The effect of one month of physical activity on the quality of life of treated addicts


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

2 M.Sc., Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of one month of physical activity on the quality of life of treated addicts. The method of the present study is quasi-experimental which was applied with a pre-test-post-test design with two groups (physical activity and control group). The statistical population of this study includes heroin addicts who have a history of more than 3 years of use, who have referred to one of the camps located in Tabriz for treatment in a certain period of time, 30 of whom were selected as the sample of the study. The sampling method was accessible and targeted from the community of these addicts who had a history of use for three years and their age range was between 23 and 50 years. After recording the demographic information of the candidates as a pre-test of their SF-36 quality of life, they were measured by a questionnaire. After the pre-test stage, the subjects of the experimental group were present at the examiner's desired location for three months, three days a week at the appointed time and performed the selected physical activity as a group under direct supervision. The time considered for both groups was the same so that during the research time, an attempt was made to consider the number of people of equal ages for both groups. Finally, at the end of one month of physical activity, once again, all subjects answered the quality of life questionnaire as a post-test. Also, no physical activity was considered for the control group. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the quality of life of physically active addicts in one month and inactive addicts (p < 0.05). As a result, the rate of quality of life changes in the experimental group is significantly higher than the control group. According to the findings of the study, it can be concluded that by using a regular exercise program, the level of quality of life can be increased in various dimensions in addicts.
Long Abstract
The term quality of life, is a relatively new term in academic literature (Narimani et al., 2011). Quality of life is a general concept that covers all biological aspects, including material satisfaction, vital needs as well as transitional aspects such as personal development, self-awareness and ecosystem health. Drug use has a long history among communities and the forms of its use are diverse and depend on the favorable context in each society. In this study, due to the growing development of addiction, we have tried to propose a solution for the treatment of addicts and for the first time to measure the impact of physical activity on the quality of life criteria of addicts under treatment. Finally, what is considered as a problem in the present study is whether regular physical activity has an effect on improving the quality of life after quitting?
Research Tools
The method of the present study is quasi-experimental, which was applied with a pre-test-post-test design with two groups (physical activity and control group). The statistical population of this study is heroin addicts who have been using it for more than 3 years and have referred to one of the camps located in Tabriz for treatment in a certain period of time, 30 of whom were selected as the research sample. The sampling method was accessible and purposeful from the community of these addicts who had a history of use for three years and their age range was between 23 and 50 years. After learning how to conduct the research, the candidates read and signed the consent form. Then demographic information including age, height and weight and body mass index were recorded. After recording the demographic information of the volunteers, as a pre-test of quality of life, their SF-36 was measured by a questionnaire. After the pre-test stage, the subjects of the experimental group were present at the examiner's desired location for three months, three days a week at the appointed time, and performed the selected physical activity as a group under direct supervision. The time considered for both groups was the same, so that during the research time an attempt was made to consider the equal number of people with equal ages for both groups. Finally, at the end of one month of physical activity, once again, all subjects answered the Quality of Life Questionnaire as a post-test. Also, no physical activity was considered for the control group. Independent t-Test was used to test the research hypotheses.
Data Analysis
The results showed that there was a significant difference between the quality of life of physically active addicts in one month and inactive addicts (P <0.05). As a result, the rate of change in quality of life in the experimental group is significantly higher than the control group.
According to the findings of the study, it can be concluded that by using a regular, continuous and well-accepted exercise program by the elderly age group, the quality of life can be increased in various dimensions for these people and pave the way for healthy aging and health in this period of life.
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