The Study of Relationship between Communication Technology and Consumerism (Case Study: Staff of Arak Medical Science University)


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran

3 M.Sc., Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran.

4 M.Sc., Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Young and Elite Researchers Club, Arak, Iran


Today, along with the growth and development of information and communication technologies, consumerism is introduced as a special style and context of life and the consumption of special and unnecessary goods is promoted in society, which ultimately leads to an upward trend in consumer behaviors and The culture of consumerism is spreading. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between information and communication technologies and consumerism.  In this research, the theories of Simmel, Bourdieu, Veblen and Giddens have been used as a theoretical framework. The study method for data collection is survey. The statistical population consisted of all the staff of Arak University of Medical Sciences, numbering 450 people, who were interviewed by a researcher-made questionnaire using a researcher-made questionnaire. The obtained reliability coefficient for all variables is higher than 0.7 and is statistically confirmed. According to the descriptive findings, the average result for the variable of information and communication technology use is 40.16 and for the consumerism variable are 50.32. The results of correlation test showed that the linear relationship between the variables of information technologies and communication with consumerism with a significance level of less than 0.05 and with 99% confidence was statistically significant. Also, the results of regression analysis indicate that the variables of Internet usage (with beta coefficient of 0.158), mobile phone usage (with beta coefficient of 0.390), TV network usage (with beta coefficient of 0.298 and age (with beta coefficient of -1/130), respectively, had the greatest effect on the dependent variable. The variables of internet usage, mobile usage, TV usage and age have been able to explain 22% of the changes in consumerism.
Long Abstract
Today, information and communication technologies with their persuasive messages have become one of the tools of the capitalist economic system to find consumer-oriented customers for goods. Numerous and varied advertisements displayed to individuals and made by psychologists and creators of advertising teasers to maximize the impact on the audience, seek to persuade people to buy certain goods or services, change their attitudes and choose the specific lifestyle of active people. Goods that people do not really need and buy only on the basis of a false need that these technologies have caused. And this is the same distinction that Herbert Marcuse made between the real and false needs of human beings and warned against the perpetrators of creating these false needs (Movahhed et al., 2010: 9). In view of the above, by considering the information and communication technology as an important factor in the lives of Arak employees which its imitation and overuse leads to consumerism among medical staff in Arak, the present study attempts to answer the following questions: What is the level of use of information and communication technology among medical staff? What is the level of consumerism among medical staff? What is the relationship between information and communication technology and consumerism of Arak University of Medical Sciences staff?
The study method in conducting this research to obtain data is a survey. The statistical population of the research consists of 450 employees of Arak University of Medical Sciences who have been questioned and assessed by using the method of counting all the people in the population through a researcher-made questionnaire. The obtained data were also analyzed using SPSS software.
Research Findings
By acknowledging the connection between the elements of information and communication with consumerism, there must be a way to eliminate this relationship. Because the present relationship leads to the materialization of mankind, and to his alienation. This issue leads to the formation of different social classes and appears distinctions which leads people to destruction and conflict. In the meantime, finding a way to disrupt the relationship between information technology and communication with consumerism can be helpful. The final point is that, advertising of various and sometimes non-functional goods that have only a luxury aspect, encourages unhealthy competition in the consumption of more luxury goods, as well as the unbridled consumption of foreign goods, which stops the production of similar domestic goods and seriously hinders the country's development process. Informing the society in this regard is the mission and duty of researchers and relevant officials along with the media.
-     Petty, R.E. & Pablo Brinol. “Understanding Social Judgment: Multiple Systems and Processes”, Psychological Inquiry, 17(2006).
-     Petty.R.E. & J.R. Periester. “Source Attribution And Persuasion: Perceived Honesty as A Determinat of Message Scruiny”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulltien, 21(1995)


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