The tendency towards sports brands based on consumption experience among women


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Master student, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


The purpose of this study is to examine the tendency towards sports brands based on consumption experience among women. Accordingly, hypotheses were proposed and a conceptual model was considered for the research in which the variable of brand experience along with its components (emotional, emotional, intellectual and behavioral) was considered as an independent variable and brand selection as a dependent variable. The present study is a descriptive/analytical study based on a practical study goal. The statistical population of the study includes female who consumers of sports brands in the city of Tabriz. The sample size is estimated using the Krejcie & Morgan estimation due to the unknown number of the statistical population, 384 female customers of sports clubs and stores. Zarantonello and Schmitt (2010) brand experience questionnaire was used to measure brand experience and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to measure brand tendency. The questionnaire has five Likert scale options. The software Spss24 was used in order to analyze the data from the Kolmograph-Smirnov,test, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the Regression test. The results of the analysis showed that the brand experience with all its components has a positive and significant effect on the selection of sports goods brand.
Long Abstract
According to the position of sports among different segments of the population and their tendency for actively spending time in this field, the use of sports equipment as one of the essential equipment in sports activities and paying more attention to the basics and principles of marketing has been considered in this section. For customer it is important to use top brand products and services. Today, sports goods companies have taken an approach to influence the customer through their brands; therefore, given the importance of this issue, this study seeks to answer the fundamental question of whether the brand experience of sports consumers has an impact on the choice of sports goods brand.
This research is a quantitative research in terms of using numerical data. Also, the theories, methodologies and techniques presented in various researches have been used to solve the practical and real problems of the research; therefore, in terms of purpose, it is considered as part of applied research and according to the nature of the subject, it is of descriptive-survey type. The statistical population of this study includes women consumers of sports goods in the city of Tabriz, and since the number of consumers cannot be determined accurately, so the society was considered as an unlimited society. Using Cochran's formula and due to the unknown number of the statistical population, 384 customers of shops selling sports goods in Baharestan Mall in Tabriz for a period of one year from November 1398 to November 1399 has been considered. However, according to the correct percentage of return of the questionnaires, the number of distributed questionnaires was more than 384. Finally, 385 correct and usable questionnaires were obtained based on which the analysis was performed.  Sampling was done by available means. A standard questionnaire was used to measure the research variables. Zarantonello and Schmidt (2010) brand experience questionnaire was used to measure brand experience and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to measure brand orientation. The questionnaire is a five-choice Likert scale. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Regression testing were used to analyze the data by Spss24 statistical software.
Data Analysis
The results showed that all components of brand experience (emotional, sentimental, intellectual, behavioral) have a significant effect on brand selection of sports goods; however, according to the obtained impact factor, among the four analyzed components, the emotional component has the most impact and the sentimental component has the least impact on the selection of sports goods brand.
Accordingly, the level of interest in a particular brand and having emotional accompaniments has had the greatest impact on consumers of sports goods, and that a particular brand has a feeling and emotion from the point of view of sports consumers and is considered as an emotional brand in his opinion, has had the least impact on consumers of sporting goods. Therefore, due to the fact that emotional experience has a high degree of explanation, it seems that in order to choose a brand from the point of view of the consumers under study, creating desirable emotional experiences is more effective.


-    Abadi, Rahmat Riwayat, Idayanti Nursyamsi, and Andi Reni Syamsuddin (2020), “Effect of Customer Value and Experiential Marketing to Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable (Case Study on Gojek Makassar Consumers).” The Asian Journal of Technology Management 13, no. 1: 82-97.
-    Iglesias, Oriol, Stefan Markovic, and Josep Rialp (2019), “How does sensory brand experience influence brand equity? Considering the roles of customer satisfaction, customer affective commitment, and employee empathy.” Journal of Business Research 96: 343-354.
-    Ishida, Chiharu, and Steven A. Taylor. (2012), “Retailer brand experience, brand experience congruence, and consumer satisfaction.” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior 25: 63.
-    Jankovic, Marija, and Andjela Jaksic-Stojanovic. (2019), “Challenges of sports branding.” Sport Mont 17, no. 1: 75-78.
-    Jovanovska, Snezana Ristevska. (2020), “BRAND AND BRANDING STRATEGIES.” Research in Physical Education, Sport & Health 9, no. 1
-    Liu, Fei, Yiran Xu, Kexin Chang, Shuna Li, Zhiguang Liu, Shengdong Qi, Jingbo Jia, Min Zhang, Nigel M. Crawford, and Yong Wang. (2019), “The long noncoding RNA T5120 regulates nitrate response and assimilation in Arabidopsis.” New Phytologist 224, no. 1: 117-131.
-    Musazadeh, Maryam (2017), The Impact of Brand Communication and Brand Experience on Commodity Commitment to Samsung Home Appliance Consumers, M.Sc. Thesis, Urmia University. (in persian)


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با توجه به جایگاه فعالیت‌های ورزشی در بین اقشار مختلف مردم و گرایش آنها به گذران اوقات فراغت در این زمینه به شکل فعال، در این راستا استفاده از لوازم ورزشی به‌عنوان یکی از لوازم ضروری در انجام فعالیت‌های ورزشی، توجه بیش از پیش به مبانی و اصول بازاریابی در این بخش مورد توجه قرار می‌گیرد. استفاده از محصولات و خدمات با برندی برتر، برای بسیاری از خریداران اهمیت زیادی دارد. به‌طوری‌که امروزه سازمان‌های تولیدکننده کالاهای ورزشی به اتخاذ رویکردی برای تأثیرگذاری بر مشتری از طریق برندهایشان روی آورده‌اند؛ بنابراین با توجه به اهمیت این موضوع، این پژوهش در پی پاسخ به این سؤال اساسی است که آیا تجربه برند مصرف‌کنندگان ورزشی در انتخاب برند کالاهای ورزشی تأثیر دارد.
این پژوهش به لحاظ استفاده از داده‌های عددی از نوع پژوهش‌های کمی است. همچنین از نظریه‌ها، متدولوژی و فنون ارائه‌شده در پژوهش‌های گوناگون برای حل مسائل اجرایی و واقعی تحقیق استفاده شده است؛ بنابراین ازلحاظ هدف جزء تحقیقات کاربردی به‌شمار می‌رود و با توجه به ماهیت موضوع از نوع توصیفی-پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل زنان مصرف‌کننده کالاهای ورزشی در سطح شهر تبریز است و ازآنجایی‌که تعداد مصرف‌کنندگان قابل تعیین به‌صورت دقیق نبوده، لذا جامعه به‌صورت جامعه نامحدود در نظر گرفته شد. حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران و با توجه به نامعلوم بودن تعداد جامعه آماری، 384 نفر از مشتریان مغازه‌های فروشنده کالاهای ورزشی در پاساژ بهارستان شهر تبریز به مدت یک سال در بازه زمانی آبان ماه 1398- آبان ماه 1399 در نظر گرفته شده است ولی با توجه به درصد صحیح بازگشت پرسشنامه‌ها، تعداد پرسشنامه‌های توزیع شده بیش از 384 بود در نهایت 385 پرسشنامه صحیح و قابل استفاده به دست آمد که تجزیه و تحلیل بر اساس آنها صورت گرفت. نمونه‌گیری به‌صورت در دسترس انجام گرفته شدرای سنجش متغیرهای تحقیق از پرسشنامه استاندارد استفاده شده است. برای سنجش تجربه برند از پرسشنامه تجربه برند زارانتونلو و اشمیت (2010) و برای سنجش گرایش به برند از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بهره گرفته شد. پرسشنامه، پنج گزینه‌ای طیف لیکرت می‌باشد. به‌منظور تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها از آزمون کولموگراف- اسمیرنف، ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و آزمون رگرسیون با بهره‌گیری از نرم­افزار آماری Spss24 استفاده شد
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