Bourdieu Analysis of the Role of Capital Factors on the Emergence of Risky Behaviors


Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


This study aimed to analyze the incidence of risky behaviors based on Pierre Bourdieu's theory is written. Bourdieu behavior (action) who knows the dialectical relationship habitus and field and Believes that the structures are structured and at the same time making an impact on the habitus and habitus of structured behaviors (actions) making the day. In the meantime, Access to capital multiple people in the field and the content and composition in the formation of habitus and risk behaviors affect development. Also, on the other hand, depends on the quality of accommodation and sick people's habitus. This means that people with certain habitus be compatible with the other fields do not have the required habitus and finally this sick new field will be the beginning of risky behavior and social unhealthy. The method of the present study is documentary and tries to theoretically analyze risky behaviors as one of the social harms using library resources and reputable journals.
Long Abstract
The prevalence of high-risk behaviors among different sections of society is one of the social issues and harms that seriously threaten the health of the family and, of course, the health of society and in recent years, due to rapid social change, it has been considered by health organizations, law enforcement and social policy makers as one of the most important problems in society.
The prevalence of these behaviors is equal to the loss of creative and constructive potentials of society and has very unpleasant consequences that require a lot of compensation. Therefore, it is necessary to know the causes of high-risk behaviors, and any lack of familiarity with this social harm may intensify the underlying reactions to the occurrence of high-risk behaviors that can affect society. Thus, according to the issues raised, the present study seeks to answer the following questions in a coherent manner and based on Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical system: Given the extent to which individuals have access to different types of capital in the social arena, how do high-risk behaviors occur? How does habitual disregard for new fields lead to high-risk and illegitimate social behaviors?
Research Methods
The method of the present research is documentary and it is tried to theoretically analyze high-risk behaviors as one of the social harms by using library resources and reputable journals.
Bourdieu considers the occurrence of people's behavior as the product of a habitual-field dialectical relationship and he believes that fields are structured and at the same time constructive structures which affect habits and construct habits structured behaviors (actions). Among these, the extent to which individuals have access to multiple assets within the field and their volume and composition are influential in the formation of habits and the development of risky behaviors. Also, on the other hand, the degree of adaptation and incompatibility of individuals depends on the quality of habits. In this way, people with certain habitual habits are not able to adapt to the fields that require other habits. Finally, this misunderstanding with new fields will be the beginning of high-risk and unhealthy social behaviors.
Although Bourdieu's theoretical and coordinated apparatus does not directly explain high-risk behaviors, Bourdieu's theoretical apparatus can be used to indirectly analyze high-risk behaviors; because Bourdieu considers the dialectical relationship between the field and habituation and action. He believes that although fields are structured as a historical fact, they are also constructive and are effective in developing the common and distinct habits of individuals. Individuals develop similar habits by participating in similar fields and accessing homogeneous capital, and these habits are effective in shaping actions, which ultimately lead to the production and reproduction of the field and structured habits.
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